Our case studies

Case Study – SFC – Multilingual AI terminology extraction
SFC Energy AG is a leading supplier of hydrogen and direct methanol fuel cells for stationary, portable and mobile hybrid power solutions. Due to the growth and internationalization of the company with six additional subsidiaries worldwide, translation work is becoming increasingly important and demanding. At the beginning of the cooperation for translations, it was agreed with Leginda to use an AI-supported tool to build a specialist, multilingual terminology database and integrate it into the translation process as an additional quality assurance measure.
Integration of a terminology database
When communicating, companies attach great importance to finding the right words (terms) and using them consistently in their various communication channels. These technical terms shape the corporate identity via the uniform corporate language. This in turn is beneficial for the company’s image towards employees, customers and users of the products.
A terminology database offers numerous advantages, including increased consistency and accuracy through standardized technical terms, time savings for translators who do not have to search for correct terminology, and improved quality through verified terms. It also increases the efficiency of translation processes, facilitates collaboration between multiple translators and enables the storage of customer-specific terminology requirements. It also supports the management of multilingual terminology, which is particularly beneficial for multilingual projects.
Project specifications
The aim was to create a multilingual terminology database with at least 200 entries for future translation projects in the technical field based on existing translations totaling around 60,000 words in German, French and English, which were to be integrated into the translation process. Specific additional information was defined, such as context, status, date of release, etc.
On completion of the project, SFC Energy AG should be able to calculate translation quotes in various options via the Leginda portal as usual and order them on the desired delivery date. Thanks to the additional quality assurance level of the integrated terminology database, the specified technical terms will be provided to the regular translators and proofreaders in future.
This software was used: Smart Language Portal for terminology extraction, Trados Studio for alignment, as well as Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel.
Project workflow
In the first step, SFC Energy AG selected suitable existing original texts with their translations in English and French (so-called parallel texts) and sent them to Leginda. The content was submitted in IDML (InDesign) and DOCX (Microsoft Word) formats.
In addition, Leginda received the above-mentioned Excel glossary of technical terms with approx. 40 entries in DE, EN and FR, which SFC Energy AG had previously used internally.
Automatic AI terminology extraction offers a modern way of efficiently building up corporate terminology in a short space of time. The functionality is based on a combination of AI technologies, expert linguistic knowledge and special statistical calculations. This allows so-called term candidates to be automatically extracted from specialist texts, which are then approved by the customer and incorporated into the translation process.
The multilingual terminology database is being continuously expanded.
If further target markets are approached, additional target languages can be added to the terminology database. It is also possible to add further criteria to the database, e.g. if terms are to be distinguished more clearly from other specialist terms.
Integrating the intermediate step of terminology maintenance, as described, leads to an increase in quality in the long term and reduces costs and time expenditure.
If you have any questions about AI terminology extraction, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to prepare a quote for the creation of a terminology database for your documents.

Case Study – SFC – Multilingual AI terminology extraction
SFC Energy AG It is a leading provider of hydrogen and direct methanol fuel cells for stationary, portable and mobile hybrid power supply solutions. The company’s growth and internationalization, with six additional offices worldwide, means that translation work is becoming increasingly important and demanding. When the translation collaboration began, it was agreed with Leginda that a specialized multilingual terminology database would be built using an AI-supported tool and integrated into the translation process as an additional quality assurance measure.
Integration of a terminology database
When communicating, companies place a great deal of emphasis on finding the right words and using them consistently across their various communication channels. These technical terms shape the corporate identity through the unified corporate language. This in turn is beneficial for the company’s image in the eyes of employees, customers and users of the products.
A terminology database offers numerous advantages, including increased consistency and accuracy through standardized technical terms, time savings for translators who no longer have to search for the correct terminology, and improved quality through verified terms. It also increases the efficiency of translation processes, facilitates collaboration between multiple translators, and enables the storage of customer-specific terminology requirements. It also supports the management of multilingual terminology, which is particularly advantageous for multilingual projects.
Project specifications
The aim was to create a multilingual terminology database with at least 200 entries for future translation projects in the technical field, to be integrated into the translation process. This was to be done on the basis of existing translations totaling around 60,000 words in German, French and English. In doing so, specific additional information was defined, such as context, status, date of release, etc.
Once the project is completed, SFC Energy AG should be able to use the Leginda portal as usual to calculate translation offers with various options and order these by the required delivery date. The additional quality assurance level provided by the integrated terminology database means that the core translators and editors will be provided with the defined specialist terms in future..
The following software was used: Smart Language Portal for terminology extraction, Trados Studio for alignment, as well as Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel.
Project process
SFC Energy AG began by selecting suitable existing original texts and their translations into English and French (so-called parallel texts) and sent them to Leginda. The content was sent in IDML (InDesign) and DOCX (Microsoft Word) formats.
In addition, Leginda received the above-mentioned Excel glossary of technical terms in German, English and French, which SFC Energy AG had previously used internally.
Automatic AI terminology extraction is a modern way of efficiently building up corporate terminology in a short period of time. It is based on a combination of AI technologies, linguistic expertise and special statistical calculations. This allows so-called term candidates to be automatically extracted from technical texts, which are then approved by the customer and incorporated into the translation process.
The multilingual terminology database is continuously being expanded.
When new target markets are addressed, the terminology database can be expanded to include additional target languages. It is also possible to expand the database to include further criteria, for example, if terms are to be more clearly distinguished from other technical terms.
The integration of the intermediate step of terminology maintenance, as described, leads to an increase in quality and a reduction in costs and time in the long term.
If you have any questions about AI terminology extraction, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to provide you with a quote for creating a terminology database.

Case Study – Alvi catalog project – DE-PL
The German quality brand Alvi for baby equipment commissioned us to translate the product catalog and brochure from German into Polish for their market entry in Poland as part of their existing cooperation.
Key data of the project
Project tasks: Terminology, translation DE-PL, DTP service (layout)
Volume: 94 pages
Timeframe: Within one week, in time for the trade fair for the market launch in Poland
Project description
The aim was to be able to use the materials in printed form in the national language of Poland at the international Kids Time trade fair in Poland, one of the most important industry trade fairs in Europe.
One particular challenge of the project was the framework conditions: Only a few German-Polish translations had been carried out for Alvi in the past, i.e. up to the start of this project, which is why Leginda did not yet have a well-populated, validated translation memory database. In addition, the specialist terminology had to be coordinated not only according to linguistic and technical aspects, but also with regard to the specifications of Alvi’s sales partner in Poland to improve the common terms, especially with regard to product names. There were also no other existing translations in the language pair that we could use for the purposes of multilingual terminology extraction.
The coordination of the project on the topics of translation and design adaptations took place between the following 4 parties:
- Alvi
- Alvi’s Polish distributor
- Alvi’s marketing agency
- Leginda
Project preparation
Alvi’s first step was to select the items intended for the Polish market from the German catalog and send the specifications to the marketing agency for adaptation. The agency provided Leginda with the final version to be translated. The content was sent in InDesign format.
Leginda initially translated the table of contents on request. After the translation, the responsible parties from Alvi and Leginda met with the Polish distributor at very short notice to discuss the technical terms in Polish and other specifications regarding the spelling of product names for the Polish market.
The particular challenges were:
- Research: Using the correct and most common terminology for the Polish market
- Retention of registered product names from Alvi (Babymäxchen® – The Original)
- All product-specific details from the original should be retained, e.g. different types of fabric
- Cultural adaptation for strategic reasons: TOG values should already be listed in the table of contents in contrast to the German catalog version (TOG value indicates the thermal resistance of textiles. Example: The higher the TOG value, the warmer the sleeping bag will keep you warm.)
- Despite the extensive terminological specifications, the translation should remain true to Alvi’s marketing strategy in order to introduce its quality products to the market and convince the target group, but also meet the requirements of the sales partner
Based on the defined terminology and the other specifications, Leginda created an initial terminology database that was given to the translator and proofreaders. Now an important foundation for quality assurance had been laid and Leginda was able to start translating the product catalog.
Translation according to DIN EN ISO 17100
The professional translation was carried out by Leginda in a CAT tool. This is a translation software program. It serves as an aid for the translator to reuse previously translated content. As a result, translations can be produced faster, more cost-effectively and more consistently. This tool is integrated into Leginda’s translation management system. Another advantage of this is that future translations will be cheaper
Leginda works according to the native language and target country principle. The translation was therefore carried out by a native-speaker specialist translator based in the target country. During the translation process, the translator had terminological and stylistic queries, which Leginda clarified immediately in consultation with Alvi and the Polish distributor.
Finally, Leginda carried out a review by a native Polish translator in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100.
Design (DTP)
Due to the different lengths of sentences in different languages and linguistic and cultural conventions with regard to word divisions, it may be necessary to adjust field and font sizes after the translation of an InDesign file in order to ensure that the appealing design is retained in the target language.
The process was therefore supplemented by so-called desktop publishing by Leginda, or DTP for typesetting and printing for short. This involved layout adjustments carried out by a DTP specialist in the target language, in this case Polish. In this way, Alvi was able to check the final files with their marketing agency very quickly within the set deadline after the translation, including the DTP service, had been completed and send them to print on time. Due to the very tight deadlines, it was necessary for all parties to perform exceptionally well into the weekend.
This project could only be successfully completed within a tight time frame thanks to the exceptional commitment of all those involved. This was an important building block for a successful start to Alvis’ market entry in Poland.
Currently, the creation of a multilingual terminology database using AI-supported terminology extraction is planned, as enough text content (German-Polish) is now available. This will enable a further level of quality assurance for future translations.
“In the course of our internationalization, Leginda has been a very competent partner with excellent results for us right from the start. Even in critical phases, effective solutions were quickly found with the entire team. For us as a market leader, it is important to work with a translation agency that can also help us with very specific translations in a highly professional manner.”
Gabriel Fellsches
Director New Business & New Countries
Alvi GmbH

Case Study – SFC – Multilingual AI terminology extraction
The German quality brand Alvi for baby equipment commissioned us to translate the product catalog and brochure from German into Polish for their market entry in Poland as part of their existing cooperation.
Key data of the project
Project tasks: Terminology, translation DE-PL, DTP service (layout)
Volume: 94 pages
Timeframe: Within one week, in time for the trade fair for the market launch in Poland
Project description
The aim was to be able to use the materials in printed form in the national language of Poland at the international Kids Time trade fair in Poland, one of the most important industry trade fairs in Europe.
One particular challenge of the project was the framework conditions: Only a few German-Polish translations had been carried out for Alvi in the past, i.e. up to the start of this project, which is why Leginda did not yet have a well-populated, validated translation memory database. In addition, the specialist terminology had to be coordinated not only according to linguistic and technical aspects, but also with regard to the specifications of Alvi’s sales partner in Poland to improve the common terms, especially with regard to product names. There were also no other existing translations in the language pair that we could use for the purposes of multilingual terminology extraction.
The coordination of the project on the topics of translation and design adjustments took place between the following 4 parties:
- Alvi
- Alvi’s Polish distributor
- Marketing agency of Alvi
- Leginda
Project preparation
As a first step, Alvi selected the articles intended for the Polish market from the German catalog and sent the specifications to the marketing agency for adaptation. The agency provided Leginda with the final version to be translated. The content was transmitted in InDesign format.
Leginda first translated the table of contents on request. After the translation, those responsible at Alvi and Leginda met with the Polish distributor at very short notice to discuss the technical terms in Polish and other specifications regarding the spelling of product names for the Polish market.
The particular challenges were:
- Research: Using the correct and most common terminology for the Polish market
- Retention of registered product names of Alvi (Babymäxchen® – The Original)
- All product-specific details from the original should be retained, e.g. different types of fabric
- Cultural adaptation for strategic reasons: TOG values should already be listed in the table of contents in contrast to the German catalog version (TOG value indicates the thermal conductivity resistance of textiles. Example: The higher the TOG value, the warmer the sleeping bag will keep you.)
- Despite the extensive terminological specifications, the translation should remain true to Alvi’s marketing strategy in order to introduce its quality products to the market and convince the target group, but also meet the requirements of the sales partner
Based on the defined terminology and the other specifications, Leginda created an initial terminology database that was provided to the translator and proofreaders. Now an important foundation for quality assurance had been laid and Leginda was able to start translating the product catalog.
Translation according to DIN EN ISO 17100
The professional translation was carried out by Leginda using a CAT tool. This is computer-aided translation software. This is an aid for the translator to reuse previously translated content. This means that translations can be produced faster, more cost-effectively and more consistently. This tool is integrated into Leginda’s translation management system. Another advantage of this is that future translations will be cheaper
Leginda works according to the native language and target country principle. The translation was therefore carried out by a native-speaker specialist translator based in the target country. During the translation process, the translator had terminological and stylistic queries, which Leginda clarified immediately in consultation with Alvi and the Polish distributor.
Finally, Leginda carried out a review by a native Polish translator in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100.
Design (DTP)
Due to the different lengths of sentences in different languages and linguistic and cultural conventions with regard to word divisions, it may be necessary to adjust field and font sizes after the translation of an InDesign file in order to ensure that the appealing design is retained in the target language.
The process was therefore supplemented by so-called desktop publishing by Leginda, or DTP for typesetting and printing for short. This involved layout adjustments carried out by a DTP specialist in the target language, in this case Polish. In this way, Alvi was able to check the final files with their marketing agency very quickly within the set deadline after the translation including DTP service had been completed and send them to print on time. Due to the very tight deadlines, it was necessary for all parties to perform exceptionally well into the weekend.
This project could only be successfully completed within a tight time frame thanks to the extraordinary efforts of all those involved. This was an important building block for a successful start to Alvis’ market entry in Poland.
Currently, the creation of a multilingual terminology database using AI-supported terminology extraction is planned, as enough text content (German-Polish) is now available. This will enable a further level of quality assurance for future translations.
“In the course of our internationalization, Leginda has been a very competent partner with excellent results for us right from the start. Even in critical phases, effective solutions were quickly found with the entire team. As a market leader, it is important for us to work with a translation agency that can also help us with very specific translations in a highly professional manner.”
Gabriel Fellsches
Director New Business & New Countries
Alvi GmbH

Case Study – Alvi catalog project – DE-PL
The German quality brand Alvi for baby equipment commissioned us to translate the product catalog and brochure from German into Polish for their market entry in Poland as part of their existing cooperation.
Key data of the project
Project tasks: Terminology, translation DE-PL, DTP service (layout)
Volume: 94 pages
Timeframe: Within one week, in time for the trade fair for the market entry in Poland
Project description
The aim was to be able to use the materials in printed form in the national language of Poland at the international Kids Time trade fair in Poland, one of the most important industry trade fairs in Europe.
One particular challenge of the project was the framework conditions: Only a few German-Polish translations had been carried out for Alvi in the past, i.e. up to the start of this project, which is why Leginda did not yet have a well-populated, validated translation memory database. In addition, the specialist terminology had to be coordinated not only according to linguistic and technical aspects, but also with regard to the specifications of Alvi’s sales partner in Poland to improve the common terms, especially with regard to product names. There were also no other existing translations in the language pair that we could use for the purposes of multilingual terminology extraction.
Coordination on the translation and design adjustments for the project took place between the following 4 parties:
- Alvi
- Alvi’s Polish distributor
- Marketing agency of Alvi
- Leginda
Project preparation
Alvi’s first step was to select the items intended for the Polish market from the German catalog and send the specifications to the marketing agency for adaptation. The agency provided Leginda with the final version to be translated. The content was transmitted in InDesign format.
Leginda first translated the table of contents on request. After the translation, those responsible at Alvi and Leginda held a meeting with the Polish distributor at very short notice to determine the technical terms in Polish and other specifications regarding the spelling of product names for the Polish market.
The particular challenges were:
- Research: Using the correct and most common terminology for the Polish market
- Retention of registered product names of Alvi (Babymäxchen® – The Original)
- All product-specific details from the original should be retained, e.g. different types of fabric
- Cultural adaptation for strategic reasons: TOG values should already be listed in the table of contents in contrast to the German catalog version (TOG value indicates the thermal conductivity resistance of textiles. Example: The higher the TOG value, the warmer the sleeping bag will keep you warm.)
- Despite the extensive terminological specifications, the translation should remain true to Alvi’s marketing strategy in order to introduce its quality products to the market and convince the target group, but also meet the requirements of the sales partner
Based on the defined terminology and the other specifications, Leginda created an initial terminology database that was provided to the translator and proofreaders. Now an important foundation for quality assurance had been laid and Leginda was able to start translating the product catalog.
Translation according to DIN EN ISO 17100
The professional translation was carried out by Leginda in a CAT tool. This is a translation software program. It serves as an aid for the translator to reuse previously translated content. As a result, translations can be produced faster, more cost-effectively and more consistently. This tool is integrated into Leginda’s translation management system. Another advantage of this is that future translations will be cheaper
Leginda works according to the native language and target country principle. The translation was therefore carried out by a native-speaker specialist translator based in the target country. During the translation process, the translator had terminological and stylistic queries, which Leginda clarified immediately in consultation with Alvi and the Polish distributor.
Finally, Leginda carried out a review by a native Polish translator in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100.
Design (DTP)
Due to the different lengths of sentences in different languages as well as linguistic and cultural conventions with regard to word divisions, it may be necessary to adjust field and font sizes after the translation of an InDesign file in order to ensure that the appealing design is retained in the target language.
The process was therefore supplemented by so-called desktop publishing by Leginda, or DTP for typesetting and printing. This involved layout adjustments carried out by a DTP specialist in the target language, in this case Polish. In this way, Alvi was able to check the final files with their marketing agency very quickly within the set deadline after the translation, including the DTP service, had been completed and send them to print on time. Due to the very tight deadlines, it was necessary for all parties to perform exceptionally well into the weekend.
This project could only be successfully completed within a tight time frame thanks to the exceptional commitment of all those involved. This was an important building block for a successful start to Alvis’ market entry in Poland.
Currently, the creation of a multilingual terminology database using AI-supported terminology extraction is planned, as enough text content (German-Polish) is now available. This will enable a further level of quality assurance for future translations.
“In the course of our internationalization, Leginda has been a very competent partner with excellent results for us right from the start. Even in critical phases, effective solutions were quickly found with the entire team. As a market leader, it is important for us to work with a translation agency that can also help us with very specific translations in a highly professional manner.”
Gabriel Fellsches
Director New Business & New Countries
Alvi GmbH

Case Study – SFC – Multilingual AI terminology extraction
SFC Energy AG is a leading supplier of hydrogen and direct methanol fuel cells for stationary, portable and mobile hybrid power solutions. Due to the growth and internationalization of the company with six additional subsidiaries worldwide, translation work is becoming increasingly important and demanding. At the beginning of the cooperation for translations, it was agreed with Leginda to use an AI-supported tool to build a specialist, multilingual terminology database and integrate it into the translation process as an additional quality assurance measure.
Integration of a terminology database
When communicating, companies attach great importance to finding the right words (terms) and using them consistently in their various communication channels. These technical terms shape the corporate identity via the uniform corporate language. This in turn is beneficial for the company’s image towards employees, customers and users of the products.
A terminology database offers numerous advantages, including increased consistency and accuracy through standardized technical terms, time savings for translators who do not have to search for correct terminology, and improved quality through verified terms. It also increases the efficiency of translation processes, facilitates collaboration between multiple translators and enables the storage of customer-specific terminology requirements. It also supports the management of multilingual terminology, which is particularly beneficial for multilingual projects.
Project specifications
The aim was to create a multilingual terminology database with at least 200 entries for future translation projects in the technical field based on existing translations totaling around 60,000 words in German, French and English, which were to be integrated into the translation process. Specific additional information was defined, such as context, status, date of release, etc.
On completion of the project, SFC Energy AG should be able to calculate translation quotes in various options via the Leginda portal as usual and order them on the desired delivery date. Thanks to the additional quality assurance level of the integrated terminology database, the specified technical terms will be provided to the regular translators and proofreaders in future.
This software was used: Smart Language Portal for terminology extraction, Trados Studio for alignment, as well as Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel.
Project workflow
In the first step, SFC Energy AG selected suitable existing original texts with their translations in English and French (so-called parallel texts) and sent them to Leginda. The content was submitted in IDML (InDesign) and DOCX (Microsoft Word) formats.
In addition, Leginda received the above-mentioned Excel glossary of technical terms with approx. 40 entries in DE, EN and FR, which SFC Energy AG had previously used internally.
Automatic AI terminology extraction offers a modern way of efficiently building up corporate terminology in a short space of time. The functionality is based on a combination of AI technologies, expert linguistic knowledge and special statistical calculations. This allows so-called term candidates to be automatically extracted from specialist texts, which are then approved by the customer and incorporated into the translation process.
The multilingual terminology database is being continuously expanded.
If further target markets are approached, additional target languages can be added to the terminology database. It is also possible to add further criteria to the database, e.g. if terms are to be distinguished more clearly from other specialist terms.
Integrating the intermediate step of terminology maintenance, as described, leads to an increase in quality in the long term and reduces costs and time expenditure.
If you have any questions about AI terminology extraction, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to prepare a quote for the creation of a terminology database for your documents.

Case Study – SFC – Multilingual AI terminology extraction
The German quality brand Alvi for baby equipment commissioned us to translate the product catalog and brochure from German into Polish for their market entry in Poland as part of their existing cooperation.
Key data of the project
Project tasks: Terminology, translation DE-PL, DTP service (layout)
Volume: 94 pages
Timeframe: Within one week, in time for the trade fair for the market entry in Poland
Project description
The aim was to be able to use the materials in printed form in the national language of Poland at the international Kids Time trade fair in Poland, one of the most important industry trade fairs in Europe.
One particular challenge of the project was the framework conditions: Only a few German-Polish translations had been carried out for Alvi in the past, i.e. up to the start of this project, which is why Leginda did not yet have a well-populated, validated translation memory database. In addition, the specialist terminology had to be coordinated not only according to linguistic and technical aspects, but also with regard to the specifications of Alvi’s sales partner in Poland to improve the common terms, especially with regard to product names. There were also no other existing translations in the language pair that we could use for the purposes of multilingual terminology extraction.
The coordination on the project on the topics of translation and design adjustments took place between the following 4 parties:
- Alvi
- Alvi’s Polish distributor
- Marketing agency of Alvi
- Leginda
Project preparation
Alvi’s first step was to select the items intended for the Polish market from the German catalog and send the specifications to the marketing agency for adaptation. The agency provided Leginda with the final version to be translated. The content was transmitted in InDesign format.
Leginda first translated the table of contents on request. After the translation, those responsible at Alvi and Leginda held a meeting with the Polish distributor at very short notice to determine the technical terms in Polish and other specifications regarding the spelling of product names for the Polish market.
The particular challenges were:
- Research: Using the correct and most common terminology for the Polish market
- Retention of registered product names of Alvi (Babymäxchen® – The Original)
- All product-specific details from the original should be retained, e.g. different types of fabric
- Cultural adaptation for strategic reasons: TOG values should already be listed in the table of contents in contrast to the German catalog version (TOG value indicates the thermal conductivity resistance of textiles. Example: The higher the TOG value, the warmer the sleeping bag will keep you.)
- Despite the extensive terminological specifications, the translation should remain true to Alvi’s marketing strategy in order to introduce its quality products to the market and convince the target group, but also meet the requirements of the sales partner
Based on the defined terminology and the other specifications, Leginda created an initial terminology database, which was given to the translator and the editors. Now an important foundation for quality assurance had been laid and the translation of the product catalog by Leginda could begin.
Translation according to DIN EN ISO 17100
The professional translation was carried out by Leginda using a CAT tool. This is computer-aided translation software. This is an aid for the translator to reuse previously translated content. This means that translations can be produced faster, more cost-effectively and more consistently. This tool is integrated into Leginda’s translation management system. Another advantage of this is that future translations will be cheaper
Leginda works according to the native language and target country principle. The translation was therefore carried out by a native-speaker specialist translator based in the target country. During the translation process, the translator had terminological and stylistic queries, which Leginda clarified immediately in consultation with Alvi and the Polish distributor.
Finally, Leginda carried out a review by a native Polish translator in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100.
Design (DTP)
Due to the different lengths of sentences in different languages and linguistic and cultural conventions with regard to word divisions, it may be necessary to adjust field and font sizes after the translation of an InDesign file in order to ensure that the appealing design is retained in the target language.
The process was therefore supplemented by so-called desktop publishing by Leginda, or DTP for typesetting and printing. This involved layout adjustments carried out by a DTP specialist in the target language, in this case Polish. In this way, Alvi was able to check the final files with their marketing agency very quickly within the set deadline after the translation including DTP service had been completed and send them to print on time. Due to the very tight deadlines, it was necessary for all parties to perform exceptionally well into the weekend.
This project could only be successfully completed within a tight time frame thanks to the exceptional commitment of all those involved. This was an important building block for a successful start to Alvis’ market entry in Poland.
Currently, the creation of a multilingual terminology database using AI-supported terminology extraction is planned, as enough text content (German-Polish) is now available. This will enable a further level of quality assurance for future translations.
“In the course of our internationalization, Leginda has been a very competent partner with excellent results for us right from the start. Even in critical phases, effective solutions were quickly found with the entire team. As a market leader, it is important for us to work with a translation agency that can also help us with very specific translations in a highly professional manner.”
Gabriel Fellsches
Director New Business & New Countries
Alvi GmbH

Case Study – SFC – Multilingual AI terminology extraction
SFC Energy AG It is a leading provider of hydrogen and direct methanol fuel cells for stationary, portable and mobile hybrid power supply solutions. The company’s growth and internationalization, with six additional offices worldwide, means that translation work is becoming increasingly important and demanding. When the translation collaboration began, it was agreed with Leginda that a specialized multilingual terminology database would be built using an AI-supported tool and integrated into the translation process as an additional quality assurance measure.
Integration of a terminology database
When communicating, companies place a great deal of emphasis on finding the right words and using them consistently across their various communication channels. These technical terms shape the corporate identity through the unified corporate language. This in turn is beneficial for the company’s image in the eyes of employees, customers and users of the products.
A terminology database offers numerous advantages, including increased consistency and accuracy through standardized technical terms, time savings for translators who no longer have to search for the correct terminology, and improved quality through verified terms. It also increases the efficiency of translation processes, facilitates collaboration between multiple translators, and enables the storage of customer-specific terminology requirements. It also supports the management of multilingual terminology, which is particularly advantageous for multilingual projects.
Project specifications
The aim was to create a multilingual terminology database with at least 200 entries for future translation projects in the technical field, to be integrated into the translation process. This was to be done on the basis of existing translations totaling around 60,000 words in German, French and English. In doing so, specific additional information was defined, such as context, status, date of release, etc.
Once the project is completed, SFC Energy AG should be able to use the Leginda portal as usual to calculate translation offers with various options and order these by the required delivery date. The additional quality assurance level provided by the integrated terminology database means that the core translators and editors will be provided with the defined specialist terms in future..
The following software was used: Smart Language Portal for terminology extraction, Trados Studio for alignment, as well as Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel.
Project process
SFC Energy AG began by selecting suitable existing original texts and their translations into English and French (so-called parallel texts) and sent them to Leginda. The content was sent in IDML (InDesign) and DOCX (Microsoft Word) formats.
In addition, Leginda received the above-mentioned Excel glossary of technical terms in German, English and French, which SFC Energy AG had previously used internally.
Automatic AI terminology extraction is a modern way of efficiently building up corporate terminology in a short period of time. It is based on a combination of AI technologies, linguistic expertise and special statistical calculations. This allows so-called term candidates to be automatically extracted from technical texts, which are then approved by the customer and incorporated into the translation process.
The multilingual terminology database is continuously being expanded.
When new target markets are addressed, the terminology database can be expanded to include additional target languages. It is also possible to expand the database to include further criteria, for example, if terms are to be more clearly distinguished from other technical terms.
The integration of the intermediate step of terminology maintenance, as described, leads to an increase in quality and a reduction in costs and time in the long term.
If you have any questions about AI terminology extraction, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to provide you with a quote for creating a terminology database.
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